Learning through Play
Learning through Play
Our curriculum is planned around The Early Years Foundation Stage (2012) for children from birth to five years.
It includes four guiding principles:
Every child is a unique child
Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
Children learn and develop in enabling environments
Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates
And seven areas of learning:
Communication and language
Physical development
Personal, social and emotional development
Understanding of the world
Expressive arts and design
By planning and observing the children we are able to provide activities that are;
Based on their own interests
Educational and fun
Age appropriate
Suitable for progression
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education
We have a safe and secure outside area and aim to use it to give the children as many opportunities to learn outside as they have indoors. The children will be encouraged to play outside as much as possible in all but very extreme weathers conditions.
Delivering the curriculum outdoors:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Being responsible for their outdoor clothing. In winter wellies and suitable clothing and in summer hats. Outside the children learn to share, make friends and play together.
Communication and Language - In summer we may have tables with equipment to draw and write outside under the protection of the canopy. We also read stories and involve the children in as many sensory experiences as possible. They have opportunities to be involved in large mark making, such as chunky chalks and paintbrushes to draw and paint with water on the patio and mark making with large pieces of paper.
Physical - The list is endless. All you would expect and lots more, cars and bikes, trucks and trikes. Stompers, hoops, bats and balls.
Literacy - The children read books outside and write on blackboards, clipboards and at writing tables.
Mathematics - Opportunities to play games. Counting, target throwing, counting jumps etc. Mathematics take place in all areas outside.
Understanding of the world - We hunt for mini-beasts, go on nature walks, and look at buildings in our village, . Our role play areas encompass the whole curriculum and we have developed them to encourage both boys and girls to use and enjoy them. Making it fun and relative to them, and what they know means they explore, problem solve and learn while having maximum fun.
Expressive arts and design -The children have lots of opportunities to be creative. As inside, they get to use paints and craft equipment. They have opportunities to play in water and sand, lentils and rice and use different equipment.
Key Person and Learning Journey's
Key Person and Learning Journey's
Key persons are usually in place before your child starts at Bramble Bears. They will be the person who helps your child to settle into the group and the person you will talk to about any concerns or questions you may have. They are responsible for your child’s learning journey records.
We offer 2x 3hour sessions to help settle your child into the playgroup. This allows time for your child to get to know the staff, their friends and our daily routine. We will ask you to stay or come and collect your child if they are unsettled as we want them to enjoy playgroup and make the settling in process enjoyable for both you and your child.
Each child has their own individual learning journey. The learning journey is stored online on Tapestry, which you will have a passcode to view and comment on your own child's observations, photos, pictures and paintings. All the observations are linked to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and (COEL) Characters of Effective Learning. When you first start at playgroup we ask you to fill out an all about me leaflet which gives the staff a good basis to work on and form next steps to help progress your child's learning. You can also add your own observations or days out onto your child's tapestry account, allowing you to be involved in your child's learning and working alongside your key worker. If you wish to have a copy of your child's next steps please speak to your child's key worker.
You will only be able to view and comment on your own child's tapestry account, keeping it private and secure.
SEND Local Offer
Local Offer for Children with Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities (SEND)
(accessible ONLY in England)
How does Bramble Bears know if a child needs extra support?
We have an embedded system to ensure that a key person is allocated to every child. This key person completes regularly observations that are then used to inform the child’s planning around their individual needs and interests. These include interests from home and interests at playgroup. The key person completes assessments on every child to identify any support that may be required.
These assessments are shared with the parents who are encouraged to add their comments. We then implement a joint approach.
When a child initially starts with us we provide settling in sessions where the key person familiarizes themselves with the child’s individual needs, interests and abilities. This is the initial opportunity for the parents to identify any needs with the key person so that these can be catered for. The parents and the key person complete an initial starting point of development form on this settling in session to identify any concerns.
How will the staff support the child?
We have a 2 playgroup SENCO’s (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator) that has been trained through the local authority and Bramble Bears to support the key person, child and families to ensure that the child’s individual needs are met.
We have robust policies and procedures in place which are reviewed regularly ensuring that our resources and environments are suitable and accessible for all.
The SENCO will work closely with the key person to differentiate resources, experiences and activities to support the child.
The playgroup SENCO will work with the key person/or be the key person to provide personal plans for each individual child based around their abilities and interests.
The SENCO will liaise with other professionals (with the parents consent) such as Early Years Inclusion Officers, Speech and Language Therapists and Health Visitors to gain further advise in supporting each individual child. The SENCO and the key person will work collaboratively to ensure that these targets and strategies are implemented.
The plans and activities will be reviewed by the key person, SENCO and the parents regularly to update plans and provide support for all children.
How are parents / carers included in the child’s education and curriculum?
Parent’s communication is valued and the key person will work together with the parents to ensure that every child’s learning is supported.
At the initial settling in sessions the parent/ carers will work with the key person to settle the child into the playgroup. Throughout this time the key person will complete observations and record information to understand the child’s individual routines, needs, interests and abilities.
The parents are encouraged to work together with the key person completing observations and activities for home to keep them informed of new interests so that this can be incorporated in the activities that are planned for that child.
The parents are invited to attend meetings to review the child’s progress as well as having time at the end of each session.
Every child has their own learning journey on Tapestry that the parents can view at any time. The parents are encouraged to add their views and comments.
How accessible are the environments?
If the family has English as an additional language they will be encouraged to share key words in their home language for the key person to understand with the child.
All staff know 20 signs which related to our routine at playgroup and needs of the child.
The Supervisor, key person and SENCO can work with the parents to provide the best set up of the room in order for the child to have the best access to all of the resources and activities every day to meet their needs.
Helping with transitions
Transitions are a key time for any child. The key person ensures that these transitions are well planned and supported.
When a child first starts at playgroup the key person and supervisor will work with the parent to devise appropriate times for the child to settle into the playgroup at their own pace.
When a child is ready to transition to School the new teachers will be invited into playgroup to meet the key person and all relevant transition supporting documents are completed and relayed to the School to ensure a smooth transition takes place for all children. Also children are invited to their new school for taster sessions, depending on the school.
For further information please contact the playgroup supervisor.
© 2017 Bramble Bears Playgroup - Ashwellthorpe Village Hall, The Street, Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk, NR16 1AA