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It is our intention to make Bramble Bears accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to the setting through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.

Bramble Bears Playgroup provides care for up to a maximum of 24 children per session, of which, a maximum of 6 children will be aged 2 between the hours of 9am and 3pm term time only.

Waiting list

If Bramble Bears does not have a space for your child you can ask for them to be placed on the waiting list. Parents/ carers will be contacted in order when a space becomes available. We agree to keep a place open should this be financially viable to accommodate an emergency admission.

Children will be accepted into the setting using this criteria:

3 and 4 year old funded children,

2 year old funded children,

All other children.

Children in the care of the local authority, or who have a sibling already attending the setting may be prioritised - dependant on individual circumstances.

Attendance patterns

We are flexible about attendance patterns to accommodate the individual needs of individual children and families providing these do not disrupt the pattern of continuity in the setting that provides stability for all the children.

Registration Process

Documentation to register interest

Please contact the Playgroup Leader to confirm that you would like to take up a place. They will invite you into the setting to look around and provide you with an application to join which needs to be filled out and returned to confirm your interest in attending. Places cannot be allocated without this document.

Documentation to confirm place

When your child’s place is confirmed the Playgroup Leader will contact you by phone or email to inform you of their start date and book in settling sessions.

Settling in Sessions

  Should you wish to undertake settling sessions, these are arranged with the playgroup Supervisor. We offer a reduced session time as an option, stay and play with parent as long as this is not going to affect the child's attachment issues. We will work with yourselves to come up with a plan which is best for the child.

Contractual Arrangements

A written contract makes up part of the registration document, this contains 2 copies both of which are to be signed by the parent or carer and 1 copy to be returned to the setting.  


Bramble Bears Playgroup has a set hourly rate of £5 per hour, which is invoiced on a termly basis.


Bramble Bears offers:

- the 15 hour funded entitlement to eligible 2 year old children and their parents/ carers.

- 15 hours for all 3yr olds or if you are eligible 3 and 4 year old children can claim the full 30 hours we are open for if you are entitled to 30 hours funding. Please provide your eligibility code.

Please contact Norfolk County Council’s Family Information Service or ask Bramble Bears for information on how to check eligibility for 30 hours or visit the government website and apply online.


Documentation required to confirm eligibility to Early Education:

Verify date of birth - You will be asked to show your child’s original Birth Certificate to verify their date of birth.

Evidence to validate national criteria has been met - If claiming 2 year old funding OR the 30 hour funded entitlement, you will be asked to provide your eligibility code.

Process to claim funding

Parents/ carers must complete a claim form each term in order to access their child’s funded entitlement.

Number of Places

Bramble Bears has a maximum of 6 funded 2 year old places and 18 funded 3 year old places available each day.

2, 3 and 4 year old year old funded hours may be claimed between 9am and 3pm.

Funded hours

Funded hours can be used in all sessions, between 9am and 3pm term time only. We cannot stretch funding. We can accept funding when it is split between 2 other settings and can charge for any additional hours over these at our usual hourly rate of £5 per hour. 

Parents as Partners

We believe that children benefit most from Early Years education and care when parents/carers and the setting work together in partnership. Our aim is to support parents/carers as their child’s first and most important educators by involving them in their child’s education and in the full life of Bramble Bears.

We also aim to support parent/carers in their own continuing education and personal development. Some parents are less well represented in Early Years settings, these include Fathers, parents who live apart from their children but who still play a part in their lives, as well as working parents. By carrying out the following procedures we will ensure that the all parents are included.

When we refer to parents we mean both mothers and fathers, these include natural or birth parents as well as step parents and parents who live apart from their children, but have contact with them and play a part in their lives. Parents also includes same sex parents and foster carers.

The Children Act (1989) defines parental responsibility as ‘all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his property.’


We have means to ensure all parents are included – that may mean we have different strategies for involving fathers, or parents who work or live apart from their children.

We consult with all parent to find out what works best for them.

We ensure ongoing dialogue with parents to improve our knowledge of the needs of their children and to support their families.

We inform all parents about how Bramble Bears is run and its policies, through access to written information and through regular informal communication. We check to ensure parents understand the information given to them.

We encourage and support parents to play an active part in the governance and management of Bramble Bears. We are a committee run group and Parents and Carers are actively encouraged to join.

We inform parents on a regular basis about their child’s progression.

We involve parents in shared record keeping about their children – either formally or informally – and ensure parents have access to their child’s written developmental records.

We provide opportunities for parents to contribute their own skills, knowledge and interests to the activities of Bramble Bears.

We inform parents about relevant conferences, workshops and training.

We consult with parents about the times of meetings to avoid excluding anyone.

We provide information and opportunities to be involved in the setting in ways that are accessible to parents with basic skill needs, or those for whom English is an additonla language.

We hold meetings in venues that are accessible and appropriate for all.

We welcome contributions of parents in whatever form these may take.

We inform all parents of the systems for registering queries, complaints, suggestions and we check to ensure these are understood. All parents have access to our written complaints procedure.

We provide opportunities for parents to learn about the curriculum offered at Bramble Bears and about young children’s learning in the setting and at home.

Privacy Notice  ( click to view)

-Why we ask you for your personal information,

-what we use it for,

-and how it is stored safely according to GDPR.

Please read our privacy notice which has been sent to each parent via email or a copy is available to read in our green folder on our information table in the hallway. 

GDPR consent  (click to view)

Upon signing your paperwork ready for your child to start, you will be asked to sign a consent form in line with GDPR.  You will be asked to sign on each line which you give your consent for example, us to obtain your relevant details and store them accordingly, also taking photos of your child. Any questions please speak to Laura she our Playgroup Supervisor or read our policies. 


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